

  •  發布單位:跨國勞動力事務中心
  •  發布日期:113-08-26
  •  檢核日期:113-08-26
  •  點閱人氣:667

勞動部 令





部 長 何 佩 珊



外國留學生、僑生及華裔學生申請工作許可,許可期間最長為1年,其工作時間除寒暑假外,每星期最長為20小時。 The maximum approved period for work permit application of foreign students, overseas Chinese students and ethnic Chinese students is one year. The longest hours per week are 20 hours except for winter and summer vacation.

未依前項規定者,機關得依就業服務法規定廢止其工作許可,而未依規定申請工作許可,即受聘僱為 他人工作者,依就業服務法規定,處新臺幣3萬元以上15萬元以下罰鍰。 For those applicants who are against the above regulations, the agency may revoke their work permits in accordance with Employment Service Act. Further, for those who work for others without applying for work permit by regulations will be fined between NTD$30,000 and $150,000 in accordance with Employment Service Act.

外國留學生、僑生及華裔學生於每學年上學期10月1日起至次年9月30日止之期間申請工作許可者,其許可期間不得逾次年9月30日。但檢附經學校註冊組加蓋申請期間次學年第一學期註冊章之學生證影本或提供註冊證明者,不受前述工作許可期間不得逾次年9月30日規定之限制。另來臺學習語言課程 之外國留學生,則依申請當期註冊期間為工作許可期間。又工作許可因休學、退學、畢業、語文學習 或技術訓練階段性課程結束,失其效力。 Foreign students, overseas Chinese students and ethnic Chinese students apply work permit during October 1 of the applying year to September 30 of next year in the academic year, the duration of the permit cannot exceed September 30 of the next year. However, the said regulation which last day is September 30 can be exempted if copy of student ID with stamps of the school registration department or registration certificate for the first semester of the next academic year are attached. Meanwhile, foreign students leaning Chinese in Taiwan can only apply work permit with duration as long as the current registered semester. And the work permits will be invalid if students quit, drop out, graduate, or language leaning or phased skill training program are over.