
「優SHOW」夾夾樂 “SHOWcase Me” Some Fun!

長庚大學113年度校慶系列- 長庚多元。溫馨校園「優SHOW」活動

Chang Gung University 2024 School Year Celebratory Event Series:Embrace Greatness, Celebrate Uniqueness “SHOWcase Me” Event 



Event Details: As a part of our “SHOWcase Me” event, we have prepared a claw machine filled with snacks and prizes from all over the world. Feel free to stop by for a fun game!

遊戲時間: 4/30(二)至5/10(五)

Event Time: April 30 to May 10


Event Location: Student Activity Center 2F


Token Exchange Time: April 30 to May 10, 10:00-19:00 (daily)


Token Exchange Location: Office of Academic Affairs Extracurricular Activities Section

優SHOW 夾夾樂有事跟你說:

  1. 只要你有15小時志工時數,即可換取一枚代幣(1-3年級上限5 枚,畢業生無上限)。(註:以校務資訊系統4/26前登錄時數為主,換取後時數仍保留)
  2. 只要你是僑生(講一句台語)或外籍生(講一句台語或國語)可免費兌換2枚。
  3. 只要參加「優SHOW」優秀社團(含長庚青年)、志願服務、社團PLUS與地方服務隊觀摩及表揚大會(5/2)可免費兌換1枚。

SHOWcase Me” Some Fun Claw Machine wants to bring to your attention:

  1. If you have 15 (or more) volunteer hours, you can come to the Extracurricular Activities Section and exchange for one token from the person at the counter.(Up to 5 tokens for grades 1-3, no limit for graduates.)
  2. If you participated in the “SHOWcase Me” (SHOW):  Student and Volunteer Clubs/Teams Ceremony (5/2/24), then you can get one free token.
  3. If you are an overseas Chinese student (speak a sentence in Taiwanese), or a foreign student (speak a sentence in Taiwanese or Mandarin), then you can get 2 tokens for free!