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Student Counseling Section


Besides the counseling service mentioned above, we also provide students with the following helps:

A. Psychological test

Psychological test is a tool that help students understand themselves by answering a series of questions. Psychological test covers a number of different areas, including personality test, Interpersonal Behavior Survey, Attentive Inventory of Mental Health etc. The test results help students understand their current situation, consider whether they’d like to make any appropriate adjustments or not, and further help them perform to their full potential. Psychological test is not a final conclusion, it is merely a start to self-exploration. Welcome to appointments individually, with a small group of friends or as a class.

B. Small group activities

One to two counselors will supervise a group of 15 students, helping them to learn from one another, becoming one another's support, enhancing interaction and self-understanding. This type of small group activities can better cater to individual needs as compared to mass lectures or talks. On the other hand, it provides a chance to interact with group members rather than individual counseling.

C. Theme activities

We have a series of activities every semester, with themes such as life education, sexual equality education, career planning. We also organize talks and conferences every now and then.

Latest activities would be post on Office of Student Affairs (cgu.edu.tw)

D.  Resource classroom

We help the school to take care of and offer help to students with special needs by understanding their needs, offering help in academic work, accompanying them in the learning process, counseling and interaction sessions, as well as providing a place for them to feel at home.
E. Resource for mentor teachers

We organize mentor teachers' sharing sessions on a regular basis to discuss and share their experiences and resources. In this way, we can build a more complete counseling network.